They are aimed at associations and cooperatives and social responsibility entities and are in addition to the 1.4 million granted this year, reaching an overall figure of 3.1 million in 2024.
The Consell de Mallorca will launch two new calls for subsidies this 2024 aimed at strengthening local commerce and promoting local products, while at the same time fostering the social economy in Mallorcan businesses for a total amount of 1,680,000 euros.
The Consell de Mallorca launches two new lines of aid to strengthen local commerce and local produce worth 1.7 million euros
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Local businesses, associations and cooperatives, and socially responsible entities may benefit from this aid. The aim is to strengthen the social economy and improve the competitiveness of businesses and small companies on the island, which make investments in their shops to improve energy efficiency, universal accessibility, technological equipment and programmes, and the organisation of products. Also subsidised will be projects for the promotion and advertising of the company itself or its product, through the implementation of advertising campaigns or events to promote its brand or product.
The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, and the councillor for Economic Promotion, Pilar Amate, met this morning with the associations, employers, livestock farmers and farmers who will be able to benefit from this new aid package, including representatives of ACAIB, APAEMA, ASAJA, Unió de Pagesos de Mallorca, Confraries de Pescadors, Cooperatives Agroalimentàries, PIMECO, Afedeco, PIMEM, GALP and UPA-AIA.
After the meeting, the president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, said that ‘these new aids will serve to strengthen productivity in Mallorca’s shops and businesses, which are essential to our island’s economy’.
‘In total, the Consell de Mallorca will allocate nearly 1.7 million euros to support local commerce, associations, cooperatives and responsible entities, in addition to the other three calls for subsidies to promote the consumption of products for 1.4 million that have already been launched this year, which demonstrates our firm commitment to be on the side of the productive sectors of Mallorca, with a total amount that amounts to 3.1 million euros,’ said Llorenç Galmés.
For her part, Councillor Pilar Amate stressed that ‘given the success of the other calls we have published in recent months, it has been decided to extend the grants to respond to the enormous interest shown by traders, entrepreneurs and organisations that want to modernise, make visible and make these physical shops of social economy organisations more competitive’.
Modernising and improving the competitiveness of businesses
The first call is for social economy organisations that make investments in their shops to improve energy efficiency, universal accessibility, technological equipment and programmes and product organisation, and will subsidise actions carried out between 26 October 2023 and 25 October 2024 in the physical shops of those organisations that fall within the subjective scope of the social economy.
The amount earmarked for this call for proposals is 880,000 euros, of which 440,000 euros will go to profit-making organisations and 440,000 euros to non-profit organisations. Payment of the grants awarded will be made within the current year 2024.
Support for local products
The second call for applications is to support small businesses and non-profit associations and entities with registered offices on the island that are dedicated to the production and elaboration of Mallorcan products.
Subsidies will be given for projects to promote and advertise the company itself or its product by paying the costs incurred in advertising campaigns or events to promote its brand or product.
These promotional events may be carried out throughout the national territory and must have taken place within this year and no later than 15 October 2024.
Once the call has been published, the beneficiaries will have 15 working days to present to the Consell de Mallorca the paid invoices for the advertising and promotion expenses incurred. The amount allocated to the call will be 800,000 euros, 400,000 euros for for-profit companies and 400,000 euros for non-profit organisations.