Inca is promoting European Fund projects to help restart economic and social activity.

Jul 8, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

Mayor Moreno and Councillor Company met today to join forces and evaluate the projects presented by the City Council.

The projects, worth approximately 100 million euros, emphasise the water cycle, energy sustainability and mobility in the framework of the “INCA 2030” plan.

The Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, met today with the Councillor for European Funds, University and Culture, Miquel Company. The purpose of the meeting was to analyse the different projects that the capital of Raiguer. It has been submitted for funding from the European Funds with the aim of aggregating efforts and studying possible ways of improvement.

“The recovery and the restart of the economic and social activity of the city is largely due to the completion of strategic projects that are currently in the final stretch, such as the renovation work in the Plaza Mallorca, the Main Theatre or the recent project initiated the reform of the Market Square Covered, “Moreno explains.

In this sense, the mayor of Inca adds that “beyond these and other projects launched, the government team recognises that most of the aid will come from Europe through the European Funds. That is why for months, we have been working on a cross-cutting section within the City Council, to develop an action plan that draws the Inca we want on the horizon 2030”.

Therefore, within the framework of the action plan “Inca 2030”, Inca City Council is working mainly on three axes linked to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, according to the basic principles of environmental sustainability, energy, green and circular economy and everything that allows Inca to position itself in a scenario of efficiency and productivity. In this way, all the projects that the Consistory has presented to the European Funds emphasise the water cycle, energy sustainability and mobility understood within the urban agenda.

This meeting between the Mayor of Inca and the Councillor Company is part of a round of meetings at all levels, with the different administrations, the private sector, trade unions, social entities, etc., that the City Council of Inca has promoted to improve synergies and evaluate the proposals taking into account the dialogue and consensus to improve among all the projects presented. The total amount of the projects is approximately 100 thousand euros.