The professionals of the Digestive Endoscopy Unit of the Son Espases Digestive System Service introduce us to colonoscopy

Jul 8, 2021 | Featured, Current affairs

These professionals have developed three explanatory videos aimed at patients in which they are told what a colonoscopy consists of, how to prepare properly in the morning and afternoon and what care should be taken after the test. The aim of this action, framed by the Hospital’s commitment to digital prescription, is to promote correct preparation before the colonoscopy to detect possible lesions in the colon and small intestine and, at the same time, avoid cancellations. Every year, 3,500 colonoscopies are performed at the Hospital.

The Son Espases hospital replaces the Son Dureta University Hospital, which for more than 50 years has been the public hospital of reference for the citizens of the Balearic Islands, a centre where high-quality medical care has been provided, where many of the Balearic Islands’ health professionals have been trained, and a nationally recognised centre for research and innovation.

The new hospital project is the most important infrastructure that has so far been directed to the Government of the Balearic Islands with a cost of work and facilities of approximately 235 million euros and an investment in high technology of 85 million euros.

It occupies a total built area of more than 172,000 square metres, approximately two and a half times more than the Son Dureta University Hospital, has a capacity of 1,020 hospital beds, 26 operating theatres, 107 intensive care units, 40 emergency response units, 230 consultation rooms. It is a modern project that incorporates the main technological innovations and information systems and allows for a very important qualitative advance in the care of patients who require highly qualified hospital care.

The University Hospital is the hospital that serves a population of 330,000 inhabitants of the western sector of Palma and the municipalities of Esporles, Banyalbufar, Estellencs, Valldemossa, Andratx, Calvià, Sóller, Fornalutx and Deià. It is also the reference hospital for the entire population of the Balearic Islands, offering highly specialised care.