Desperate situation: Incanimals and Binianimals are looking for adopters for 80 kittens. Help them by participating in their Solidarity Workshop.

Jul 9, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

About 80 baby cats are waiting for their chance at Incanimals and Binianimals.
It’s an extreme situation in which it’s not only the youngest ones who are most in need. These little angels were mostly found in very bad conditions and the Associations have put their own resources and have not been able to look the other way.
This Saturday 10th of July the psychologist Laura Mauro is doing her bit and will be giving a solidarity workshop at 10am, focusing on coaching. The title of the workshop is “Give me permission”.
Attendance must be confirmed by email or telephone 678 040 716.

The novelty on this occasion lies in the zero row. This means that you can collaborate by donating the entrance fee to the action of keeping these 80 kittens.

Incanimals and Binianimals remind us of the importance of sterilising our pets. We provide them with a more peaceful life as they are not ruled by jealousy and also we do not find unwanted litters that end up living badly in the street. It is an act of animal compassion.

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