The Local Police of Inca reminds us that it is forbidden to park on corners.

Jul 9, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

In reference to the parking of vehicles, it is forbidden to park on a corner, when it hinders the turning of any type of vehicle, or when it protrudes from the vertex of a pavement with a chamfer or the square of a facade and, in any case, when in the referred corners it impedes the passage of pedestrians to cross the street.

The Plenary of the Inca Town Council in its ordinary session of 27 February 2020 initially approved the amendment to the municipal traffic ordinance of Inca. Since the corresponding notice was published in the BOIB of 28 March 2020, no. 45), and which has not yet been published in the BOIB. 45), and that no accusation has been made against the initial approval of the amendment to the Municipal Ordinance on movement, complaint and / or suggestion, in accordance with the provisions of Article 49 of Law 7/1985, of 2 April, regulating the bases of the local regime, as amended by Law 11/1999, of 21 April, as well as Article 102 of Law 20/2006, of 15 December, municipal and local regime in the Balearic Islands, The amendment to the Ordinance in question is finally approved. The full text is made public.
In Inca, 25th August 2020


Article 25
Parking prohibitions.
Parking is prohibited:
a. In places where the corresponding sign is prohibited.
si. In double parking, whether in the first row is a vehicle or a container or some protective element.
C. On the sides of central walkways or boulevards and also of shelters and caution areas.
re. On the roadway; a vehicle shall be deemed to be on the roadway whenever it is not on the same side of the curb in the regulatory manner.
mi. On a corner, when it is difficult to turn any kind of vehicle, or when it protrudes from the apex of a chamfered edge or the square of a facade and, in any case, when at the corners referred to it impedes the passage of pedestrians to cross the street.
F. On tracks that only allow the passage of a column of vehicles.
F. On lanes that only allow the passage of a single column of vehicles. On two-way tracks that only allow the passage of one column of vehicles in each direction.
h. On top of pavements, platforms and central boardwalks, whether the occupation is partial or total, outside of express and signed authorisation.
i. Following crossings for pedestrians or persons with physical disabilities.
j. On pedestrian islands, where a prohibition is indicated.
k. In reserve areas, except for authorisation, and at loading and unloading times, within the schedule of prohibition.
l. When obstructing the access of persons or livestock to real property, or preventing the use of vehicle egress or ingress to a properly marked property, such as a permanent municipal right-of-way or perquisite license.
metro. Lanes reserved for the circulation of certain vehicles.
north. At places where other road users are forced to make risky manoeuvres.
o. At curves and scrape changes with reduced visibility, at the edge of these points and at tunnels, intersections and junctions.
At places where other road users cannot see the traffic or its signals.
q. On access to motorways, roads and places of high vehicle traffic.
r. In places where it avoids the free use of properly parked vehicles.
s. In one place for more than 30 consecutive days. In any case, the person transporting or owning the vehicle has a duty to ensure, by himself or by any other person or means, that his vehicle is not improperly parked as a result of any change in signage or traffic order. To do this, he has a maximum of 24 consecutive hours from the placement of the restrictive signage.
t. In areas that eventually have to be occupied by other authorised uses or activities, such as repair, signage or cleaning. In these cases, the prohibition shall be announced by appropriate means of dissemination, given its nature, and appropriate prohibition signs indicating the cause and period must be posted at least 24 hours in advance.

u. In all the streets of the perimeter that are intended for the location of the different municipal markets: Thursday market, between 3 a.m. and 5 p.m. every Thursday (given the case that this market advances on Wednesday, the same schedule will be respected) the Christ King market, between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday market, between 5 p.m. and 3 p.m. The determination of the streets affected in these perimeters will be sold as set out in the by-laws regulating the markets, without prejudice to the fact that by Batlia Decree the streets affected may be modified.
v. In all places authorized by the municipal authority as time-limited parking, without placing the title authorizing it or by placing the badge or title remains parked excess vehicle for the maximum time allowed by the ‘Municipal Ordinance.
w. Of CDL vehicles over 3.5 t. on all roads in the municipality, except for parking on the following roads: Can Matzarin estate, Avenidas de James I and James II, Avenida del Tomir, a Mediterranean square (modified by BOIB 9/2002, of 19th January, AP 5.10 .2001).
X.- In the opposite direction to the direction of travel, both on two-way lanes and on one-way lanes.