This social documentary will be presented this Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Teatre Municipal de Binissalem, located at Carrer sa Rectoria, 1. Admission is free and must respect the security measures in force.
“Raiguer, ca nostra, sa meva gent ” is a participatory social documentary in which different groups of young people present the reality of six villages in the Raiguer area.
Tradition and an intergenerational vision reflect the day-to-day life of these villages located on the slopes of the Serra de Tramuntana.
The older people are involved with the younger ones and offer us a global view of their environment, reflecting their close ties with their village.
Thus, for 60 minutes we will delve into these six special microclimates.
In the technical specifications we can see:
- Title Raiguer ,ca nostra, sa meva gent
- Storyline Participative Social Documentary of the Raiguer area of Mallorca.
- Duration 60′ Duration 60′ Duration 60′ Duration 60′ Duration 60′ Duration 60′ Duration 60′ Duration 60′
- Original language Catalan/Spanish Subtitles available Catalan
- Year of production 2020
- Country of production Spain
- Team CàmeresiAcció David Fernández Àngela Garcia
- Original soundtrack Hirai Afonso Original format
- DVD – Full HD 1920x1080p Standard – PAL Compression – MPG4 Aspect ratio 16:9
Binissalem is brought to the big screen by these intrepid authors: Catalina Gontchar Clara Villacreces Elisabeth Vasilisinova Margalida Pol Ruth Machuca
Collaborators: Esperança Nadal Margalida Cirer Miguel Gontchar
Subjects: Migration and integration of newcomers, traditional cuisine, festivals and popular culture, projection of the future.