Have you worked for less than a year?

Jul 13, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

The Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal informs us about the requirements, documentation, amount of benefits, etc. To complete the information https://bit.ly/3i4a213

If you have worked for less than one year, you may qualify for unemployment benefit, but you must bear in mind that the duration depends on the number of months you have contributed and whether or not you have family responsibilities.


  • Be unemployed and legally unemployed.
  • Be registered as a jobseeker and maintain this registration throughout the period of receipt and sign the activity commitment.
  • You must have paid unemployment contributions for at least 3 months, if you have family responsibilities, or at least 6 months if you do not, and not reach 360 days. If you have paid contributions for 360 days, you would be entitled to the contributory benefit.
  • You must not receive income of any kind higher than 75% of the minimum wage, excluding the proportional part of two extra payments (Amounts for this year). The full or gross income will be taken into account. Income from business, professional, agricultural, livestock or artistic activities is the result of the difference between the income and the expenses necessary to obtain this income. Capital gains are the result of the difference between capital gains and capital losses.
    You must meet the requirements at the time of the qualifying event and also at the time you apply for the benefit, its extension or renewal, and while you are receiving the benefit.
    The date of the qualifying event is considered to be the date on which the legal situation of unemployment arises, or on which the half-yearly entitlement is exhausted, or on which the cause for suspension ends.
    If you do not meet the income or family responsibilities requirements, you can get the benefit if you can prove that you meet these requirements within one year from the date of the qualifying event. In this case, you can receive the benefit from the day after you apply for it, without the duration of the benefit being reduced.
    If you are over 52, you are entitled to unemployment benefit for workers over 52.
    You should note that:
    If you interrupted receipt of a contributory benefit to work this last period of less than 360 days, you must apply for resumption of that benefit.
    If you interrupted an unemployment benefit to work for less than 12 months, you will have to resume it. However, if it is not the first time you have stopped, you have worked for several periods and between them they total 360 days or more, you must apply for a new unemployment benefit.