Inca Town Council and the Patronato de Joan XXIII renew their collaboration agreement.

Jul 20, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

With this agreement, the council grants a subsidy of 20,000 euros to the association based in the capital of Raiguer.

The Inca City Council and the Board of Trustees of the Association for the Mentally Handicapped of the Region of Inca (Joan XXIII Board) have renewed their collaboration agreement for another year. In this way, the entity will receive a subsidy of 20,000 euros for maintenance expenses, payment of supplies and care of beneficiaries.

Therefore, the purpose of this agreement is to help Joan XXII to finance part of the expenses derived from the development of the different services offered to the people with intellectual disabilities and their families during all the stages of life. Moreover, within the framework of this subsidy, the Town Council of Inca also grants an annual aid for the summer leisure service offered by Joan XXIII.

The signing ceremony of the grant renewal agreement was presided over by the mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, and the president of the Patronato Joan XXIII, Pere Rotger, together with the councillor for Social Services and the Elderly, Maria Antonia Pons. “Our commitment to the Patronato Joan XXIII is firm. From the City Council we have always been supporting this entity and we are very pleased to be able to renew, year after year, this collaboration agreement and, therefore, contribute to improving the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities in the region of Inca and their families, “explains Moreno.

In this sense, Councillor Pons emphasizes that “the Patron Joan XXIII is one of the most emblematic entities of Inca and plays an essential role in our region. Therefore, we reaffirm our commitment and hope to continue collaborating with them for many years to come.

Finally, the president of the entity, Pere Rotger, thanked the City Council of Inca for its commitment to Joan XXIII and expressed his willingness to establish new future agreements to offer even more and better services to users and their families.

The Patronato de la Agrupación Pro Minusválidos Psíquicos de la Comarca de Inca is a non-profit association formed in 1975, which offers services to people with intellectual disabilities and their families during all stages of life. Its main objectives are to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) of the region of Inca and their families and respond to the needs and wishes of people with ID and their families, with operations based on quality principles.