Àngela García and David Fernández of the cooperative CàmeresiAcció, were the co-directors of this participatory social documentary.

Jul 21, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured, Interview

The co-operative CàmeresiAcció was founded in 2012. Their late motivation was to merge the worlds they were passionate about. Audiovisual and social transformation were the chosen ones.
Our meeting with Ángela brings us closer to the most deeply-rooted traditions and to recognising that the years do not pass. The localities change their actors but keep their essence alive.
Mallorca has welcomed them with open arms and six municipalities in the foothills of the Serra de Tramuntana, the Raiguer, have been the transmitter network of these encounters between tradition and modernity. All this from a participatory and social point of view, where the choice of the young participants and protagonists has been the key theme to be developed in the documentary.

What is a participatory social documentary?

It is a way of telling a story in which we generate participatory processes with different groups, highlighting the synergies and collateral effects of a society made up of actions and reactions.

Groups in situations of social exclusion have been the main focus of Càmeresiacció’s actions. A double social function has been carried out. The dissemination of a latent and sometimes not so sympathetic reality helps us to become aware of reality.

The other facet is educational and fulfils the function of a life-saving table for the actors belonging to these groups. Through the technique of facilitation, they participate, debate and give their opinion through consensus.

As it is a participatory documentary, they become directors and tell what they consider appropriate. It is about telling the story from the point of view of self-representation. We have emphasised and promoted the externalisation of these motivations and the result has been very, very satisfactory.
We carry out the task of a loudspeaker, giving voice to these processes and improving their integration in their environment.

What do the actors in this participatory documentary have in common?

The actors are inhabitants of their villages and participants in the process. They have in common a love and passion for their municipalities and they focus on telling us about their reality. In the case of the younger ones, we appreciate that mobility is an important issue in Mallorca. Living in inland municipalities with small populations, they usually have less infrastructure. Leisure and the number of people with whom they can socialise are adapted to the peculiarities of each locality. Many of them use public transport to reach the large Mallorcan cities such as Inca or Palma.
It is a reality that conditions the development of the new generations. It is so implicit in everyday life that it is sometimes difficult to recognise it.

What result would you highlight from the screening of the documentary?

From each village, we found a group of young people who shared their concerns. What was peculiar was the way they looked at tradition, as in their reflections, adults appeared who told them about the reality they lived through at their age and how the village was at the time when they were enjoying their age.

It was presented in Palma at the Cine Ciutat and in Binissalem at the Municipal Theatre. The screening was well received and was attended by the young actors. Binissalem as the first host has had the support of its mayor, Víctor Martí, along with part of its consistory.

The mayor thanked the participating Binissalameras.

How were the participants chosen?

Lourdes Cañellas, the Educator of Selva and Campanet, thought it would be interesting for both villages. At some point she thought that it could be extended to other localities, and so she did. The participatory social documentary has involved the villages of :Buger, Mancor de La Vall, Selva, Campanet, Binissalem and Santa Maria.

The process lived, the experience has been the best and what our young people value most positively. In the debate forum after the screening, many of them were accompanied by their relatives, grandparents, parents, siblings. So we can say that we have managed to involve different generations.

The process of choosing the participants has been different in each of the villages that make up this documentary. They are different groups that have in common their geographical location on the slopes of the Serra de Tramuntana. The educators were responsible for selecting and disseminating the film.

The process has been closed with the screening of the project in which educators and institutions have been essential for its materialisation.

In which upcoming Càmares iacció projects will we see it?

The next projects are focused on Barcelona. Now it’s time for a break to come back with more strength in September. One of the projects is “Atrapar machismos”. Through Trap music, critical listening and the amount of reception are promoted. Listening is encouraged and messages are given so those female rappers can generate a song with more benevolent content.
There is creative listening, the creation of a song and its subsequent recording in a video clip.
We will have projects aimed at more specific groups. Women in vulnerable situations, elderly people. They are given a creative outlet, they express themselves freely and choose the project that motivates them.