Convocation of the ordinary plenary session of 22 Juny 2021 in Inca.

Jul 21, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

The Ordinary Plenary Session will be held on Thursday 22nd July at 12:30 p.m. in the Town Hall of Inca.


  1. Mention of the exceptional situation that justifies the telematic holding of the municipal plenary session.
  2. Approval of the minutes of the previous session of 24 June 2021.
  3. Opinion of the Economic Information and Good Governance Commission for the initial approval of the credit modification no. 12/2021.
  4. Opinion of the Economic Information and Governance Committee for the initial approval of the credit modification no. 13/2021.
  5. Opinion of the Commission on Economy and Good Governance on the extrajudicial recognition of credits no. 2, in relation to the account statement no. 51).
  6. Opinion of the Commission on Economy and Good Governance Information to initially approve the modification of the Municipal Ordinance on Circulation.
  7. Opinion of the Commission for Economic Information and Good Governance to partially suspend the concession for the operation of the permanent municipal market and the car park in the covered market building.
  8. Opinion of the Environment and City Model Information Commission for the final approval of the specific modification no. 3 of the PGOU patrimonial catalogue.
  9. Motion of the municipal group VOX Inca regarding the visibility of the motions approved by the Plenary.
  10. Motion by the municipal group MES por Inca for the commemoration of the Annual Disaster.
  11. Motion by the municipal groups PSIB-PSOE, Partido Popular, MES for Inca, PI Proposal for the Islands, Ciudadanos and Unidas Podemos in defence of the public postal service.
  12. Motion by the municipal group Unidas-Podemos for the implementation of special measures against sexist violence in the summer months during the celebration of events.
  13. Urgent motions.
  14. Report on the implementation of the results of the implementation and monitoring of the 2020 Action Plan.
  15. Account of the Decrees of the Consistory from no. 908 to no. 1.124 of 2021.
    1. Account of the resolutions of the Governing Board of the sessions of 16, 23 and 30 June and 7 July 2021.
  16. Requests and questions.
  • For security reasons, in view of the health crisis caused by VOCID-19, the session will be held in mixed format, in person and online. The plenary session can be followed live on the City Council’s YouTube channel.