Who has to do compulsory quarantine for 10 days?

Jul 21, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

The Ministry of Health of the Balearic Government reminds us that people who do not have the full vaccination pattern and are in close contact with a VOCID-19 positive person must maintain their quarantine for ten days.

People who, even if they have the full pattern, have been in close contact with a person with a beta or gamma variant, or are immuno-depressed, should also be quarantined.

Health reminds that persons who do not have the full vaccination pattern and are in close contact with a VOCID-19 positive person should maintain their quarantine for ten days. Persons who, even if they have the full pattern, have been in close contact with a person with a beta or gamma variant, or are immuno-depressed, should also be quarantined.

According to the latest update on the close contact action procedure for the general population from the Ministry of Health, the close contact action procedure sets out two scenarios.

The first covers close contacts who have not been vaccinated and those who have not received the full standard, who must have been quarantined for ten days from the date of the last contact with the positive case and must have a PCR on the eighth or ninth day.

The second includes close contacts who have already been vaccinated, with the understanding that the time indicated on the vaccinated person’s datasheet for immunity must have passed and those who have passed VOCID-19 within the last 180 days (six months). In these cases, the general rule states that they are exempt from quarantine. However, a diagnostic test should be performed at the beginning (a PCR or antigen test) and a PCR after seven days; in addition, they should follow these guidelines: avoid contact with vulnerable people, wear a mask over social interactions, do not attend mass events, and monitor for symptoms consistent with VOCID-19.

In addition, for the second assumption, there are exceptions that require quarantine equally despite having received the full vaccination package: persons in whom the source case or outbreak has been confirmed to be beta or gamma variants, immuno-depressed persons (with primary immunodeficiency, secondary patients or certain with a chronic disease) and cases where transmission of the virus is suspected to have occurred from mink.