Inca approves a modification of the traffic ordinance and regulates the use of scooters.

Jul 23, 2021 | Featured, Current affairs

The changes aim to adapt the local text to state regulations and, at the same time, to update and improve the ordinance by the new needs that have arisen in the municipality.
The update includes the current traffic rules with reduced mobility vehicles and new speed restrictions.

The Inca Town Council approved the amendment to the Municipal Traffic Ordinance during the ordinary plenary session in July. “The purpose of this update is to adapt the municipal regulations to the new laws approved by the Directorate General of Traffic and to take advantage of this modification to improve the current regulations and adapt them to new situations that until now were not contemplated”, explains the councillor of Security and Citizen Mobility, Sebastian Oriol.

Therefore, after the approval of the state standard on speed limits, it is established that, in general, the maximum speed on most roads is 30 km/h. On the other hand, a reduction to 20 km/h is imposed on single-platform roads. In this case, Inca also extends the 20 km/h limitation to streets near educational establishments and the city’s historic centre. In addition, making use of the exceptions provided by the same state rule, the current limitation of 40 km / h on the main avenues of Inca; and 50 km / h on the Migjorn ring road is maintained.

Secondly, this update responds to the problem that exists with certain vehicles that, due to their volume, are likely to be used to access balconies and windows of properties if they are parked near these accesses, prohibiting their parking in those places where this circumstance is possible.

Finally, the Municipal Ordinance on traffic now also includes the current regulations on the use of vehicles with reduced mobility, so that their users can better understand their obligations. Thus, scooters, two-wheeled platforms, etc. on pavements, squares, parks, and gardens are prohibited. Similarly, the ordinance also establishes that drivers of type B personal mobility vehicles (including electric scooters) must wear helmets, among other general traffic conditions.

In this regard, it should be noted that this week the Inca Local Police is carrying out an information campaign to encourage the proper use of reduced mobility vehicles.