Pare Colom 2021 Literary Awards Ceremony

Jul 23, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

This Saturday 24th of July at 21h will take place in the Cloister of Santo Domingo in Inca and the Pare Colom 2021 Literary Awards Ceremony. Admission is free and subject to capacity and prevention measures in force.

The Pare Colom Literary Awards are literary prizes for unpublished works written in Catalan, organised annually by the City Council of Inca in honour of the memory of the poet Miquel Colom Mateu. They were created in 2003 and were initially only for narrative works. In 2009 the poetry category was added, and in 2010 the theatre category was added. In 2020 the prizes were endowed with 3,000 euros in the narrative category and 1,200 euros in the poetry and theatre categories. The winning works are published by the Lleonard Muntaner publishing house.

2003 Miguel Ángel Vidal, for Distancias cortas (Short distances)
2004 Guillem Rosselló Bujosa, for Los ojos misteriosos (The Mysterious Eyes)
2005 Jaume Mateu y Martí, for El balancín de la madre (Mother’s Rocker)
2006 Jaume Santandreu, for Negrada
2007 Joan Guasp, for El Generalísimo y otras historias inverosímiles pero ciertas (The Generalissimo and other unlikely but true stories)
2008 Carlos McCragh, for La enfermera tunecina (The Tunisian Nurse)
2009 Xavier Veloy Mateu, for Tragos de luz (Drinks of Light)
2010 Miquel López Crespí, for Una arcadia feliz (A Happy Arcadia)
2011 Hilari de Cara, for Cada familia, un cerdo (Each Family, One Pig)
2012 Jaume C. Pons Alorda, for Fábula
2013 Pere Joan Martorell, for Vidas errantes (Wandering Lives)
2014 Lucia Pietrelli, for Who Will Defend Us?
2015 Joan Perelló Ginard, for Música de la indiferencia (Music of indifference)
2016 Desierto
2017 Nuria Busquet, for Particles of nucleus
2018 Miquel Sbert y Garau, for Libro de las calimas (Book of Calimas)
2019 Xavier Zambrano, for El dulce diagnóstico (The Sweet Diagnosis)
2020 Xavier Vidal Alemán, for El Repaso de Don Isaac (The Review of Don Isaac)
2009 Joan Cabalgante Guasp, for Perpetuas palabras (Perpetual Words)
2010 María Montserrat Bolsillo y Fernandez, for Dunas de Azafrán (Dunes of Saffron)
2011 Francisco José Vélez, for La esencia del polvo (The Essence of Dust)
2012 Jaume Pomar y Llambias, for Cantos de Montalt
2013 Anna Gual, for El ser solar
2014 Hilari de Cara, for Calle de Artà (Street of Artà)
2015 Emili Sánchez Rubio, for El garganta del nigromante (The Necromancer’s Throat)
2016 Esteve Plantada, for Big Bang Lázaro
2017 Ferran Garcia Moreno, for Como moscas matar los recuerdos (Like Flies Kill Memories)
2018 Laia Llobera, for Boscana
2019 Víctor Gayà, for El libre claro del abierto (The Free Glade of the Open)
2020 Montserrat Rodés y Carbonell, for Todo es otro
2010 Jaume Miró, for Normal Adults
2011 Mariona Surribas Balduque, for El perro (The Dog)
2012 Joan Jordi Miralles, for This is Austria
2013 Remedio Romanos Madriles, for Salsa al estragón
2014 Bartolomé Salas Mascaró, for Angel of Venice
2015 Miguel Ángel Vidal, for El bosque de Birnam
2016 Juan Tomás Martínez Grimalt, for Cenizas. Cartografía del exilio 2017 Vicent Tur Riera, for El inquilino (The Tenant)
2018 Ramon Pros and Fanny Ferran, for Absence
2019 Elies Barberà and Jordi Boixadós, for Popocatépetl
2020 Miquel Mas Fiol, for La Clase de las Jirafas (The Giraffe Class)