Inca commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Berenguer d’Anoia secondary school with a sculpture by Joan Lacomba.

Jul 27, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

The President of the Balearic Islands, Francina Armengol, accompanied by the Minister of Education, Martí March, and the Mayor of Inca, Virgilio Moreno, today presented the sculpture that Joan Lacomba has donated to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Berenguer d’Anoia Secondary School. The event was also attended by the deputy mayors María de Carmen Oses, Alice Weber, Sebastian Oriol and Gori Ferrà, along with other members of the consistory, the current director of the school, María Magdalena Coll, and other students and teachers who have been part of the institute all these years.

“As a former student it is a pleasure to participate in this event. We are very happy to be able to have at the end of a work by Joan Lacomba in Inca, an artist who has always been very present in our city and has played a very relevant role in the promotion of culture,” said Moreno.

During the inauguration, the president thanked the sculptor for his work, “a reference for all of us”, and the educational community, “which this year has set an example of how to do things well” in the face of the threat of Covid-19. She also thanked the educational community and institutions for their work for “an educational emblem” such as the Berenguer de Anoia secondary school, which was the first co-educational school in the Part Forana.

The work, entitled “Sap que la soca més s’enfila com més endins pot arrelar”, is installed next to the entrance to the school. The imposing 6-metre-high sculpture was designed by the first director of the Berenguer de Anoia secondary school, inspired by the verses of La Balanguera. Specifically, the artist wanted to pay tribute to the entire educational community that has passed through the school over the years.

The Berenguer d’Anoia Secondary School was officially inaugurated on 10 October 1970. Last year, then, 50 years of service were completed. However, due to the Covid-19, it was not possible to celebrate the full programme of events that had been prepared.