Ibiza implements film measures against illegal parties

Jul 28, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

The Ibiza Island Council is to hire detectives to help the security forces break up the illegal parties that take place in its demarcation. The institution assures that with the current legislation in force it is very difficult to act against this type of action that proliferate in the summer months.

Tourist destinations are the ideal places for organisers of not-so-legal parties and events to attract potential clients. Private investigators will infiltrate these groups and their action will be key to prevent these uncontrolled agglomerations that threaten public health. In this way, they will be of great help to the Police and Civil Guard, who will have first-hand and immediate knowledge of the locations and planned actions before they are carried out. This action is an essential precedent to prevent the carrying out of such activities.

In this way, the Ibiza Island Council has contracted a company that, by means of detectives, will investigate these actions, preventing or minimizing their realization.

The Balearic Government has to take note of what the police themselves are saying. The current situation is marked by the great complexity of taking action against illegal parties. Whether due to a shortage of personnel or the accumulation of tasks, it seems logical to provide these forces and bodies of the state with assistance to enable them to act more quickly and in a more focused manner.

One of the biggest obstacles is the administrative procedures agents have to go through in order to enter the place where a party is taking place; they want to prevent it before it takes place.

These proposals will be submitted to the Balearic Government along with other measures aimed at safeguarding public health and to remind us of the importance of not letting ourselves be carried away by the partying desires of a few.

The other proposed actions would be to promote the classification of illegal parties as an administrative sanction and that the local councils, as a precautionary measure, can dictate, with legal guarantees, the cutting of the electricity supply to these locations where these parties are held in disguise.

These parties are often held on rural land or in non-tourist dwellings. The organisers are professionals and tend to be of non-native nationalities, although it has been confirmed that both tourists and residents participate.