Today we will find out if the UK includes us on the list of destinations that are required to do a ten-day quarantine upon return. This is the so-called Amber Plus list. It requires quarantine regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not. This would be very bad news for domestic tourism.
The high incidence in Spain would be a major blow to provinces that receive British tourists. On 19 July, the UK allowed its vaccinated citizens to return without quarantine even if they came from an area at risk.
The UK has already placed neighbouring France on the Amber Plus list. This means that any UK citizen returning to the UK from France will have to spend 10 days in quarantine, whether vaccinated or not.
What London has already agreed is to exempt European citizens who present a full vaccination schedule from quarantine. Previously, the quarantine exemption was only valid for those who had been immunised by the British health system.