Extraordinary session of the Alcudia Town Hall Plenary Session

Jul 29, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

This Thursday at 900h in the Plenary Hall of the Alcudia Town Hall, located at Calle Mayor, 9, the extraordinary session was held with the following agenda:

1-Examination and approval of the minutes of the extraordinary session of June 9, 2021.

2-Examination and approval, the proposal of ratification of the resolution of the Consistory of the appointment
as a member of this corporation on the Board of Trustees of the Foundation of the Alcudia Can Torró
Alcudia Can Torró Library.

3-Examination and approval of the proposed agreement on the approval of the Framework Agreement for the
collaboration between the Alcudia Town Council and the Alcudia Hotel and Tourist Apartments Business Association.

4-Examination and approval of the proposed agreement on the approval of the regulatory bases of
Subsidies to schools, the financial year 2021.

5-Proposal of examination and approval for the proposal of initial approval of Modification number 12 of the NNSS related to various modifications.

6-Examination and approval proposal for the initial approval of the modification num16 of the NNSS on the uses of the Unit of Action UA8I in an adjustment of alignments in the
Paseo Marítimo.

7- Urgent proposals and motions.

The plenary session could be followed live on the website

The plenary session can be followed live on FM 94.7 radio and on the website https://www.alcudiaradio.com/.

It can also be followed on the YouTube channel of the High Court of Justice but on a deferred basis.