Galician pharmacies come to the rescue of the hospitality industry

Jul 29, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

Galician pharmacies will start carrying out antigen tests for an affordable price. In this way it will be possible to prove that one is not infected by covid. The aim is not to have to close these premises when the number of infections increases.
This is why pharmacies are becoming the lifeline of the hotel and catering industry in Galicia. From today they will be able to issue the covid certificate necessary to enter bars and restaurants. The process is quite agile and simple. It is enough to go to the pharmacy, asking for the antigen test at the counter, no intervention of a health worker will be needed in the process. The pharmacist will be in charge of checking the result of the test and that it has been carried out correctly. If the result is negative, the certificate will be issued. The persons who can apply for it are :

  • Between 13 and 35 years old
  • People who have not been vaccinated
    Another option being considered by pharmacies to avoid weekend bottlenecks is to make an appointment for the test to be carried out and to obtain the results.
    Pharmacists will face a busy summer. Galician hoteliers can breathe a sigh of relief