Health will not regulate the covid certificate

Jul 29, 2021 | Current affairs, Featured

Health leaves it up to each autonomous community to apply for the covid passport, to gain access to the inside of premises. It insists that the communities have competencies and that it will not regulate its use at a national level. There are different opinions among the regional governments. The statements of the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, affirm that “it is not their priority and that they do not have the legislative framework to do so”.

A peculiar fact is that in countries such as Italy, France or Portugal it is already necessary to present it to enter bars or restaurants. In Spain, it will depend on the criteria of each autonomous community.

There is an absolute disparity between communities. The Canary Islands and Galicia have been the most advanced and advanced students, already applying it in some territories where, in order to enter leisure and hotel and catering establishments, they require a negative test or a full vaccination schedule to be presented. Andalusia and its progress in vaccination have made it possible for them to support it now. Valencia and Catalonia are the most reluctant to use it to allow entry to establishments. Madrid does not seem to be in favour of implementing it either. It seems that it will become more and more common that we will have to prove that we are not infected in order to be allowed to enter a place or restaurant.

All this is within a general context that floods the national panorama with alarming hospital data. The cumulative incidence has fallen, but hospitals have not yet reached the expected peak. There are more than 9600 patients admitted throughout the national territory and the UCIS exceed 17% occupancy, leaving hospitals such as the one in Tenerife on the verge of collapse. There are seven floors of covid patients and yesterday the intensive care unit of covid patients in the same hospital was full. The medical society warns that the patients are getting younger and younger. The most serious people and the people in the ICU are unvaccinated people. They can suffer permanent sequelae, the only way out is to follow the advice of science. Vaccines and prevention are our passports out of this pandemic.