Convivèxit draws up a document of good practices for the reception of refugee children in the educational centres of the Balearic Islands

Mar 14, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Institute for Coexistence and School Success, Convivèxit, has drawn up a document of good practices for the reception of refugee children in the educational centres of the Balearic Islands. This document has been made available to schools through the Convivèxit website. (

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The aim of this manual is to promote comprehensive care and support for refugee students and their families. Although schools in the Balearic Islands have a series of protocols that are applied to students who join after the deadline to facilitate adaptation, it has been considered that refugee students face a more sensitive challenge as it is very likely that they will retain painful memories linked to the sudden abandonment of their home and also arrive in environments where there are no familiar faces and where their language is not spoken.

Amanda Fernández, Director General of Early Childhood, Innovation and the Educational Community, explained that “schools in the Balearic Islands are used to taking in foreign students, and it is no coincidence that we are the Spanish community with the highest percentage of foreign students in Spain, but in this case, we have added the terrible circumstances associated with the situation in Ukraine, and we thought it was appropriate to help the centres with resources to deal with the special situation of these children and adolescents, and their families”.

Students are currently arriving from the Ukraine area through various channels: families coming on their own, refugee families through institutional channels and families being hosted by other families through NGOs. The priority is to find a stable settlement for the families and then school places will be allocated in the closest locations to their homes. The aim is to facilitate enrolment as much as possible.

In the case of families who come by their own means and have a residence in the Balearic Islands, students are already being enrolled, and in other cases, this will be done as and when they have a stable family destination.