The City Council approves the bases for a new edition of INCART

Mar 19, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The 16th edition of INCART, will be held from 29 April to 28 May. In this way, Once again, the City Council of Inca has approved the bases of the new call for this interdisciplinary festival that was born in 2017 in order to promote art and bring it closer to the citizens.

“In the previous edition we made a qualitative leap in terms of technical and exhibition conditions for the participants. This year, our goal is to consolidate improvements and strengthen the collaboration with the cultural entities of the city”, highlights the councillor for Culture, Alice Weber.

The competition is open to artists of any age, nationality and origin, as well as groups, organisations, associations and groups working to promote art. It is possible to submit a single work in any discipline and format. On the other hand, it is also possible to submit a proposal for a commissioner of the work, which must conform to a specific area or location.

The rules are available here:
The registration period ends at 2 p.m. on 1 April 2022. A commission will then select the artists and works that will be part of the 16th edition of INCART. The pieces will remain on display from 29 April to 28 May.

This festival, promoted by the City Council of Inca, has been consolidated year after year and, at the same time, a full programme of complementary activities is carried out. In addition, a catalogue is published with detailed information on all the works.