The Government agrees to grant 8 million euros for the recruitment of 300 qualified young people through local corporations.

May 25, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\It is a public recruitment initiative for young people with higher education that aims to retain talent in the Balearic Islands.

\ The programme is being resumed this year, after being interrupted to attend to the needs arising from the pandemic.

The Consell de Govern, at the proposal of the Conselleria de Model Econòmic, Turisme i Treball, has approved a public hiring programme aimed at unemployed young people with a high level of education, but who have not yet been able to enjoy a first professional experience in their field of training. Recruitment will begin in October and will last for one year.

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The programme, which will start in October 2022, is financed by the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Labour and Social Economy fund and has a budget of 8 million euros, which will benefit almost 300 unemployed young people.

Since 2016, this is the fifth time that the Government has launched a recruitment programme aimed at the group of qualified young people, and it is a highly demanded instrument by local councils and councils, which allows them to retain the talent of young people in the Balearic Islands; in addition, the programme aims to reduce one of the main barriers that people with higher qualifications encounter when it comes to accessing qualified jobs: the lack of a first professional experience related to the specialised training in which they are competent.

Specifically, this initiative allows local corporations, island councils and associations of municipalities, as well as the entities that depend on or are linked to them, to hire unemployed young people under the age of 30 with a university degree or higher vocational training or a level 3 certificate of professionalism, as well as those with equivalent qualification in artistic or sports education that qualifies them for professional practise, obtained within the three years prior to the completion of their studies.

Thus, a first work experience in the field in which they have been trained is made possible and they receive a salary, thus improving future employment opportunities.

Call for applications and profiles
The subsidy allows the financing of the total labour costs, including the employer’s social security contributions, arising from the full-time employment of young people for one year.

The profile to benefit from this programme establishes as a requirement that they have not had any professional experience in their field of studies and that they are registered in the SOIB and in the Youth Guarantee System as a job seeker.

The planned start date for hire is from 1 to 15 October 2022 (both included) and the end date is one year later and no later than 30 November 2023.

It should be noted that SOIB Qualified Youth is one of the programmes with the best performance in terms of the results obtained, according to the SOIB’s Active Policy Evaluation Service. Thus, the available insertion data show that 60% of the young people who completed the programme obtained employment contracts within the following six months.