The grants are distributed among the Synergia, Mobilitas, Primus, Impetus, García-Palmer and Ramon Llull programmes.

Jul 3, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The idISBa Board of Trustees approves intramural calls for research projects and human resources for 362,000 €.
They will promote scientific activity and encourage dedication to research by health professionals

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The Board of Trustees of the Balearic Islands Institute for Health Research (IdISBa) has this week approved intramural calls for research and human resources projects with a total budget of 362,000 euros for 2022. Among the main objectives of these calls are to promote scientific activity, encourage the presentation of coordinated projects between two or more research groups; encourage health professionals to dedicate themselves to research, and to finance the stays of research professionals linked to IdISBa in prestigious national or foreign R&D&I institutions.

Specifically, the calls for intramural research projects total 255,000 euros, distributed among the Synergia programme, with a budget of 180,000 euros for 3 projects of 60,000 euros; the Primus programme, which has 45,000 euros for 3 projects of 15,000 euros, and the Impetus programme, which has 30,000 euros for 2 projects of 15,000 euros.

On the other hand, the Mobilitas programme (mobility call) has a budget of 25,000 euros.

In terms of human resources, the García-Palmer programme for extracurricular internships for 4 undergraduate students has a budget of 10,000 euros, and the Ramon Llull programme for the intensification of research activity has a budget of 72,000 euros.

Details of the calls for proposals

Synergia Programme: the aim of the call is to promote the scientific activity of the lines of research groups, encouraging the presentation of coordinated projects and health research projects of proven quality that are developed within the framework of cooperation between two or more research groups of the Institute.

Primus Programme: its purpose is to bring research personnel closer to the field of competitive research, granting aid for carrying out health research projects to researchers who have not yet obtained a national or international public competitive research project as principal investigator.

Impetus Programme: the purpose of the call is to bring research personnel closer to the field of competitive research, awarding grants to carry out health research projects for exclusively post-doctoral researchers who have not yet obtained national or international public competitive research projects as principal investigators.

Mobility Programme: grants are awarded to finance stays by IdISBa researchers to learn or improve techniques, technologies or procedures in research, development and technological innovation in the field of biomedicine at prestigious national or foreign R&D&I institutions.

García-Palmer Programme: this programme aims to bring bio sanitary research closer to four students of the University of the Balearic Islands in the final year of a degree in health sciences or related areas. The undergraduate students will carry out theoretical and experimental work as an introduction to bio sanitary research in a research laboratory, in any of the areas developed at the IdISBa. The extracurricular internships, of 30 hours per week, will have a maximum duration of 2 months.

Ramon Llull Programme: this programme is aimed at encouraging the dedication to research of healthcare professionals at centres dependent on the Health Service of the Balearic Islands or the Blood and Tissue Bank Foundation of the Balearic Islands attached to the IdISBa, encouraging the Institute’s researchers who carry out healthcare activities to dedicate themselves more intensively to research by granting financial aid for the hiring of healthcare professionals to carry out part of their clinical healthcare activities.

These are calls for applications for 2022 and will be published in the coming months.