3rd Carnet Jove Awards and Grants for Self-Employment Projects 2022 announced

Jul 5, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The deadline to participate is until 28 July

\ 60,000 euros for 6 awards and 15 grants to promote the activity of the projects

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The Balearic Youth Institute (IBJOVE), which is part of the Department of Social Affairs and Sports, is once again organising the Carnet Jove Awards and Grants for Self-Employment Projects for the third year running. It should be remembered that in its first edition it won a European award for excellence from EYCA and in the previous edition the participants were able to reflect on the current challenges we face as a society in their projects.

With the aim of contributing to improving the employability of young people, the competition is aimed at holders of the Carnet Jove of the Balearic Islands aged between 18 and 30 who want to promote business projects based on self-employment. They can participate individually or in groups, with a business project that has not started its activity at the time of registration or that has started after 1 January 2022 and that has its registered office in the Balearic Islands.

60,000 euros will be allocated to this call for prizes and grants, 14,000 of which will go to reward the best projects and 46,000 euros in grants to start up the winning businesses, as well as other businesses that, although they have not won a prize, have achieved a sufficient score to be subsidised.

A maximum of 6 prizes and 15 grants will be awarded for the start-up of self-employment projects, as follows:

  • The first prize of 3,000 euros will be awarded to the best self-employment project. This project may also receive a start-up grant of 6,000 euros.
  • Two-second prizes, worth 2,000 euros each, will be awarded to the two best-valued projects after the first prize. They may also receive a start-up grant of 4,000 euros each.
  • Three third prizes of 1,000 euros each, are to be awarded to the three highest-rated projects after the first and second prizes. They may also receive a start-up grant of 3,000 euros each.
  • A maximum of nine start-up grants of 3,000 euros each for business projects, are to be awarded to the new top-rated projects after those awarded prizes, provided that they have obtained a sufficient score to be subsidised.

The selection of the winning projects for the awards and grants will be carried out in two phases: In the first phase, a maximum of 25 business projects will be selected on the basis of the documentation submitted and the video of the participants’ motivations to be presented.

The selected projects will have the right to participate in a business creation course organised and taught by the Institute for Business Innovation of the Balearic Islands, which collaborates in this call, and which will enable young people to train in the process of business creation and self-employment and in all aspects related to the development of the business plan and the maintenance of economic activity. In addition, the participants will draw up a descriptive and economic-financial business plan that will allow them to move on to the final phase of the call, which will consist of the defence of their business plan.

The deadline for submitting the application and the specified documentation is 28 July 2022.