\ The Regional Ministry of Economic Model already advanced at the end of 2021 the call for this year with 4.3 million, with the aim of speeding up the processing of grants
\ With this extension, the total credit for aid managed by the Directorate General of Labour and Occupational Health will be 7.5 million euros.
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The Consell de Govern has approved the extension of credit for the call for aid aimed at maintaining the jobs of people with disabilities in special employment centres, through the partial financing of salary costs, the adaptation of jobs and the removal of architectural barriers. Specifically, the extension is 3.2 million euros, which, added to the 4.3 million already published, makes a total of 7.5 million euros for the year 2022.
The call is aimed at special employment centres, which also include non-profit centres of social indispensability, taking into account their status as non-profit entities and the necessary conditions for this qualification, which configures them as basic elements for the labour integration of people with disabilities.
It should be remembered that the Directorate General for Labour and Occupational Health already announced at the end of 2021 the publication of the call for applications for aid, with an advance processing of expenditure corresponding to the financial year 2022, with the aim of starting the processing of applications earlier, with an amount of 4.3 million euros. It was already announced at the time that the call would be extended in the course of 2022, with the incorporation of the funds from the sectoral conference.
Thus, the call is intended to grant aid to maintain the jobs of people with disabilities in special employment centres, with the following characteristics:
- The partial financing of the wage costs of people with disabilities and severe disabilities who provide services in special employment centres of social indispensability.
- The second programme of partial financing of salary costs for people with disabilities and severe disabilities who provide services in other special employment centres (not of social indispensability).
- The third programme of aid for the adaptation of workplaces and the elimination of architectural barriers.