\ These first training courses will take place throughout the month of September at different educational centres in the Balearic Islands and elsewhere.
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\ The training activities respond to the needs of the professional families and to the demands that the educational centres have sent to the CInFP-IB.
\ Last year around one hundred training courses were organised, a figure that is expected to increase during the 2022-2023 academic year.
The Centre for Training, Innovation and Development of Vocational Training of the Balearic Islands (CInFP-IB), a centre attached to the Planning and Participation Service of the Directorate General for Vocational Training and Higher Artistic Education, has already launched the first 20 technical training courses aimed at vocational training teachers, which will be held throughout September in different educational centres in the Balearic Islands and elsewhere.
Specifically, these first training activities, lasting between 8 and 32 hours, are related to the professional families of Maritime-Fisheries (MAP), Agriculture (AGA), Hospitality and Tourism (HOT), Health (SAN), Physical and Sports Activities (AFD), Image and sound (IMS), Computer and communications (IFC), Installation and maintenance (IMA), Commerce and marketing (COM), Food industries (INA), Personal image (IMP), Transport and maintenance of vehicles (TMV), Chemistry (QUI) and Administration and management (ADG).
It should be noted that two of the training activities linked to the professional family of Physical and Sports Activities (“Rope Manoeuvres II” and “Natural Guide in the Aquatic Environment”) are directly related to the new modules that will be taught in the medium-level training cycle of Guide in the Natural Environment and Leisure Time.
Due to the current situation of normal health, the majority of these training courses are face-to-face, although some also combine the face-to-face phase with another face-to-face phase via videoconference and with a distance phase using the Classroom platform.
In the words of the Director General of Vocational Training and Higher Artistic Education, Antoni Baos, “these training courses are linked to the needs of the professional families and the demands that the educational centres have made to the Centre for Training, Innovation and Development of Vocational Training of the Balearic Islands (CInFP-IB). In this sense, we continue to fulfil the commitment of the Regional Ministry of Education and Vocational Training to help VET teachers to update and develop their professional skills”.
Last year, around a hundred training activities were organised, a figure that is expected to increase during this academic year. All the information related to these activities and those that will be organised during the 2022-2023 academic year can be consulted by clicking here.
These training are funded by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and by the European Union-NextGenerationEU in the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan Facility and co-financed by the European Social Fund in the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 (ESF Plus).