\ There will be three calls for applications, two of which will be part of the extraordinary stabilisation process.
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\ By the end of 2024, more than 8,000 competitive examinations will have been held in the Balearic Islands.
The Councillor for Education and Vocational Training, Martí March, accompanied by the Director General of Teaching Staff, Rafaela Sánchez, and the head of the Provision Service, Maria Antònia Alzamora, today presented the extraordinary process for the stabilisation of teaching posts.
This stabilisation process foresees that, exceptionally, all structural positions that have been occupied temporarily and uninterruptedly for at least the last three years prior to 31 December 2020 will be called. Through this route, 2,583 posts will be advertised by means of a merit-based competition, and the remaining 265 posts will be advertised by means of a competitive examination. In total, 2,848 positions will be stabilised by 2023.
The stabilisation measure corresponds to the application of Law 20/2021, of 28 December, on urgent measures to reduce the temporary nature of public employment, which establishes the objective that the rate of temporary coverage in the public sector should be below eight per cent of structural positions in public administrations.
To make this possible, there will be two different calls for applications, a merit-based competition and a competitive examination.
In 2023 there will be three calls:
- Merit-based competition for the stabilisation process
- Competition-public entrance examination for the stabilisation process.
- Competition-public entrance examination for replacement rates.
The first two will be held in an extraordinary way in 2023 due to the application of the aforementioned Law on the reduction of temporary employment.
Merit-based competition 2023
Applicants for the merit-based competition may submit their applications from 21 November to 21 December 2022. Once this period is over, a scale will be applied that will take into account work experience, academic record and other merits such as having passed a competitive examination, among other matters.
This call for applications will be regional in scope, i.e. there will be no individual calls for applications for each island, and any teacher in Spain who meets the requirements may apply.
Competition – competitive examination 2023
On the other hand, it is planned to complete this offer with the call for a selective process of execution of the public offers corresponding to the replacement rates of the public offer of employment of 2021 approved by the Agreement of the Consell de Govern of 13 December 2021, with 385 vacancies and the public offer of 2022, pending approval, with a planned offer of 430 vacancies.
Since 2017, including this year’s 2022 civil service examinations, 4,275 civil service examinations have been held. In the years 2023 and 2024, a total of 2,848 of the new state stabilisation regulations will be announced, to which more than a thousand places will have to be added from the replacement rates for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023, which means that more than a thousand places are expected to be added. Thus, by the end of 2024, more than 8,000 competitive examination vacancies will have been called in the Balearic Islands.