Applications can be made from tomorrow, 15 November, until 15 December.
One of the new features of this call is that applications can only be submitted online through the website of the Govern de las Illes Baleares, where you will find a tutorial with all the steps to follow to facilitate the process.
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However, people who can prove that they are unable to access the application online will be able to make an appointment at the offices of the Directorate General for Housing and Architecture and the IBAVI, which will reinforce their staff and extend their opening hours by two hours a day to offer the necessary support and assistance to ensure that the application is registered correctly. The opening hours will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
Appointments can be made online ( or by telephone on 012.
Applications will be processed and resolved in order of presentation, according to the date of entry with complete and correct documentation.
The application will be submitted once all the required documents have been compiled and it is important that, before completing the process, you check that you have attached them all. Once the application has been made, it cannot be re-accessed; you will have to start again and re-attach all the documents.
The 2022 call for applications is endowed with 8,734,000 euros, of which 6,534,000 euros come from the State Housing Plan 2022-2025, and 2,200,000 euros from regional funds. An amount that, this year, is added to the 4.8 million euros earmarked for the Bono Alquiler Joven.
With the two calls for applications, this 2022 rental aid will have been made available to families for a total amount of 13.5 million euros, 49% more resources than in 2021.
The grants are aimed at families who pay rent, so that they can recover part of what they have paid. It has to be the rent of their habitual residence and the rent they pay cannot exceed 900 euros per month. These are grants for rent paid during 2022.
As a novelty, the percentage of aid for all applicants has been increased from 40% to 50% -which until now was received by those under 35 years of age and those over 65 years of age- of the rent they have paid in 2022. There is a maximum limit of 3,000 euros per year per dwelling.
Requirements for beneficiaries
- Be the holder of the rental contract
- Use the home as a habitual and permanent residence
- Be up to date with the payment of rent when the application is submitted.
- Make payments by bank transfer, direct debit or direct deposit into a bank account.
- The contract holders must be Spanish nationals or have legal residence status
- Comply with the maximum income requirements
- Not have incompatibilities to receive subsidies
- Not be the owner or usufructuary of any property in Spain, unless:
- It is an aliquot part received by inheritance.
You do not have the use of the property for justified reasons.
- Not be a direct family member or partner of the owner
Maximum income
- IPREM-14 x 3 in the general case: 24,318 euros per year.
- IPREM-14 x4: 32,425 euros per year in the following cases:
Large family of general category
Disabled persons
Victims of terrorism
- IPREM-14 X 5: 40,531 euros per year in the following cases:
Large families of special category
Persons with a recognised degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.
- To determine the income of the family unit, the income of all the people in the cohabitation unit will be added together.
Amount of the subsidy
- For all purposes, 50% of the rent actually paid.
- A maximum subsidy per dwelling of 3,000 euros per year is established.
Incompatibility of the subsidies
- Not compatible with any other aid for the payment of rent under the State Plan for Access to Housing 2022-20225, nor with any other aid that may be granted for the same purpose by the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands, local authorities or any other public administration or entity.
- This incompatibility does not affect exceptional aid to victims of gender violence, victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, victims of sexual violence, people who have been evicted from their habitual residence, homeless people and other especially vulnerable people. As well as persons receiving non-contributory social security benefits and beneficiaries of the minimum living income.