Users of the Health Service in the Balearic Islands can consult the results of analytical tests in the clinical history of the patient portal

Dec 9, 2022 | Current affairs, Featured, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The Health Service has made it possible for users to consult the results of analytical tests in the clinical history of the Patient Portal. Thus, from today, and by means of the digital certificate, electronic ID or the Cl@ve system, users can access the clinical history to consult and download the results of analytical tests carried out by the clinical analysis laboratories of the Health Service (regardless of the Service centre where the tests have been processed). It should be remembered that in order to access the clinical history it is necessary to be a resident of the Balearic Islands and have a health card.

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In addition to the clinical analyses, other relevant information can also be consulted by the user within the clinical history of the Patient Portal. In the clinical history, you can view patient data, known allergies, COVID-19 test results, outpatient and inpatient contacts, medicines included in electronic prescriptions, advance directives, and reports (discharges, outpatient consultations, emergencies, etc.).

You can also access the COVID Digital certificate or the appointment system (where you can request an appointment with primary care or view upcoming meetings with primary or specialised care). All diagnostic tests are permanently recorded in the patient’s clinical history.