The Department of Culture, Education and Heritage of the Consell Insular de Eivissa (Island Council of Ibiza) has opened the registration period for the Días Musicales 2023 cycle on the 5th of December, aimed at local groups on the island, which will offer a total of 15 concerts in different venues in the five municipalities. The maximum budget allocated by the Council for each concert will be 2,000 euros.
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“The aim of the Musical Days cycle is to promote the bands of Eivissa so that they have a space and an opportunity to make their artistic creation known, and so that the island’s public is aware of the local musical offerings,” explained the Councillor of Culture, Education and Heritage, Sara Ramón.
This series will consist of 15 concerts distributed as follows, of which only 5 concerts with piano and/or harpsichord are planned, and which will always be held at the Centro Cultural de Jesús, Can Ventosa and the Auditorium of the Cas Serres Social Centre:
1 Concert at the Teatro España in Santa Eulalia del Río, which will kick off the cycle.
2 Concerts in the Cultural Centre of Jesús (piano only).
3 concerts in the Auditorium of the Cas Serres Social and Cultural Centre (piano only).
2 concerts in the Auditorium of the Can Jeroni de San José de sa Talaia Cultural Centre.
1 concert in the Caló de s’Olí Auditorium in San José de sa Talaia.
3 concerts in the Auditorium of the Cervantes Cultural Centre in Sant Antoni.
3 concerts in the Plenary Hall of the Sant Joan de Labritja Town Hall (small groups of no more than five members performing classical music, popular music from Eivissa, etc.).
Furthermore, the Department of Culture, Education and Heritage of the Consell Insular de Eivissa warns that under no circumstances may the same group perform more than one concert, and if there are two groups with different names but with the same members, the application will not be accepted. Therefore, in order to participate, at least 50% of the members of the group must be different.
Groups or soloists interested in participating in the Musical Days 2023 Cycle must comply with the following instructions and requirements:
Fill in the form (available on the websites and and submit it to the RGE of the Consejo Insular de Eivissa (av. de España 49, Eivissa).
Submit a budget including fiscal data of the group or soloist, date and number of the budget, corresponding taxes, concept and fiscal data of the Consejo Insular de Eivissa (S0733001B, av. de España, 49, Eivissa).
Inform of the technical needs for sound and light, as well as their location on a plan of the stage.
Provide promotional images and logos of the group or soloist for this cycle: for the production of posters and programmes, which must be presented in high resolution, in digital format (CD, DVD, memory sticks…) and in jpg format.
Include the programme of the proposed concert in digital format (CD, DVD, memory sticks…) and in pdf format, which must include: type of concert, duration of the concert taking into account the encores, titles of the pieces to be performed (no longer than 60 minutes) and names of the participating musicians with an indication of the instruments they play.
The deadline for submitting the form and accompanying documentation is 30 December 2022 at 15:00. Forms arriving after that date cannot be considered.