The public health system of the Balearic Islands will improve working and organisational conditions to improve care for users.
At a time of uncertainty in other autonomous communities, the Government wishes to thank the health professionals for their daily work caring for our society and for their willingness to reach agreements in the Balearic Islands.
Mesa Sectorial de Sanidad made up of the Health Service and union representatives from the UGT, SIMEBAL, SATSE, CSIF, CCOO and USAE organisations, today reached a unanimous agreement to improve the working conditions and pay of professionals, as well as to improve organisational and management measures in the field of health.
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The Sectorial Table was attended by the Councillor for Health and Consumer Affairs, Patricia Gómez, accompanied by the Director General of Public Function, Carmen Palomino; the Director General of the Health Service, Manuel Palomino, the Director of Management and Budgets of the Health Service, Mar Rosselló, and the Deputy Director of Labour Relations, Pedro Jiménez.
The Health Service and the union representatives have approved by majority a broad agreement that establishes the bases for a profound change in the organisation and management of primary care will improve the working conditions of professionals and will contribute to the loyalty of professionals who are trained in the Balearic Islands so that they can develop their professional careers in the Health Service.
The main organisational measures approved include a 35-hour working day for all staff as of 1 January 2023, the creation of a single job bank for each category and speciality, an increase in the price per hour for doctors on call to 31.05 €/working day, and an increase in pay from the fifth monthly shift onwards. This will mean that the Health Service will pay the highest on-call rate in Spain. This is proof of the Government’s commitment to the professionals and to the quality of care that public health users should receive.
As for primary care, doctors’ schedules are structured to adapt to their workloads. In this sense, doctors and paediatricians will be paid for extraordinary activity as an extraordinary activity for each patient attended when exceeding 35 and 25 consultations per day respectively.
The Health Service will create a total of one hundred and twenty-seven structural family medicine posts that will reduce the quotas for each doctor. The figure of the head of clinical-administrative process management will also be created to increase the resolution of files in primary care, and a legal unit will be created to reduce bureaucracy.
In order to address the shortage of staff in certain categories and to guarantee healthcare, the Sectorial Committee has approved the payment of travel allowances in the event that it is necessary to move staff between hospitals. Likewise, the remuneration effects of permanent staff will be extended to temporary staff in terms of their professional career as of 1 January 2021.
In order to attract and retain professionals who do their residency in the Health Service, an increase in the on-call hour is envisaged. In addition, a loyalty bonus of €4,800 has been established for residents in Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera for all those who join as area specialist physicians for a minimum period of three years.
In this sense, the loyalty bonus for residents in Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera, which until now has been paid to workers in health group A1, will be extended to group A2 as of 1 January 2023.
Finally, at a time of uncertainty in other autonomous communities, the Government wishes to thank the health professionals for their daily work caring for the health of the people and for their willingness to reach this agreement, which will allow, here in the Balearic Islands, to continue improving health services for everyone.