In November and December, it paid out almost 25 million euros, mostly corresponding to the advance payment and the balance of the CAP.
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The Balearic Islands Agricultural and Fisheries Guarantee Fund (FOGAIBA), an agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, has paid a total of 63,002,817.4 euros in aid to the island’s primary and agri-food sector for 2022. This involves aid from the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Rural Development Programme (RDP), State Aid and CMO and fishing aid. In November and December, FOGAIBA paid out 24,911,869.15 euros. According to the councillor, Mae de la Concha, “we have made an immense effort this year, which has been very difficult for the sector due to the rise in fuel prices and also in feed and fertiliser prices”. “We have made a lot of aid and specific measures available, such as those for the dairy sector in Menorca or the drought aid because it was time to strengthen the primary and agri-food sector and move forward,” she stressed.
With regard to CAP aid, 23 million euros of the advance payment and the balance corresponding to 2022 have been paid. Ninety per cent of the aid requested has already been paid, and the remaining 10%, associated aid for nuts, rice, protein crops and some control files, will be paid during the first months of 2023.
The RDP department has paid out 1,183,697.04 euros in aid, including 380,442.6 euros for investments in forest fire prevention, 309,650 euros for aid for business start-ups by young farmers, 242,223.19 euros for investments in agricultural holdings, and 106,346.29 euros for vocational training and skills acquisition, among others.
In terms of State and CMO aid, 487,282.13 euros have been paid, as well as aid for animal feed drought with 140,417.13 euros, aid for livestock health defence groups with 173,702.04 euros, the promotion of indigenous breeds with 70,467.03 euros, and de minimis subsidies for dairy cattle rearing with 42,750 euros, among others.
Finally, 119,314.45 euros were paid out in aid for fisheries.