-Between 1 and 18 December, 55,577 valid transactions worth almost 2 million euros were carried out.
-3,114 venues, organisations, cultural businesses and points of sale throughout the country are part of the programme.
-The Ministry of Culture and Sport is already working on the Royal Decree regulating the implementation of the Bono Cultural Joven 2023.
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Bono Cultural Joven
Since the application period for the Bono Cultural Joven ended on 31 October, 99,371 transactions have been carried out in participating establishments in Spain (as of 18 December 2022), representing a total investment of 3,626,943.51 euros in the cultural sector. December was undoubtedly the month with the highest number of transactions: from 1 to 18 December, 55,577 purchases or acquisitions were made with the Bono Cultural Joven to almost two million euros.
Since its launch, the Ministry of Culture and Sport has been collecting and analysing data on the use of the Bono Cultural Joven, which will provide information on the cultural habits and interests of young people in Spain. So far, purchases in specialised shops have been distributed mainly between cinemas, video games, shows and books. As of 18 December, there were 2,115 member companies (some with multiple establishments in Spain). This translates into 3,114 points of sale available, in addition to 743 applications currently being processed. The deadline for companies to apply is still open.
Once the grant has been awarded, young people have one year to use the 400 euros on cultural products or services. The Bono Cultural Joven works with a prepaid card issued by Correos, which the beneficiary can have virtually on their mobile phone or receive physically at home. With this card, they can enjoy cultural experiences and products, which are divided into three tranches to favour the diversification of the investment, with the following distribution:
-100 euros for physical products, for example, books, presses or records.
-100 euros for digital products, such as digital press, podcasts or online video games.
-200 euros for performing arts: theatre, opera, cinema, dance or museums.
The aim of the Ministry of Culture and Sport with this pioneering initiative is twofold: on the one hand, it shows the interest of a broad spectrum of the young Spanish population in culture, which this initiative helps to build loyalty as a public and cultural consumer for the future; and, on the other hand, it offers additional support to the cultural sector to recover from the crisis, with an investment of more than 112 million euros.