The tool is aimed at archives, libraries, museums, cinemas, theatres, performing arts and music venues and other cultural or multidisciplinary institutions or venues.
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‘Culture x Equality’
The Ministry of Culture and Sport has launched the internal use tool ‘Culture x Equality’ to help promote equality in cultural institutions. With this Gender Equality Self-Assessment Tool, cultural institutions will be able to self-assess themselves and know where they stand in terms of Gender Equality.
Created by the Ministry of Culture and Sport at the proposal of the Observatory for Gender Equality in the Field of Culture, it will facilitate reflection and analysis in the field of equality in order to promote the adoption of measures with a gender perspective in cultural organisations, institutions and spaces.
It is aimed at archives, libraries, museums, cinemas, stage and music venues and other cultural or multidisciplinary institutions or spaces and, once completed, provides an equality index, between 1 and 10, and an automatic analysis of internal self-diagnosis of equality, with strengths and weaknesses.
This project was based on the valuable experience in the field of museums developed by the Asociación de Mujeres en las Artes Visuales (Association of Women in the Visual Arts), with the collaboration of the State Museums.
Culture x Equality’ index and report on strengths and weaknesses
The tool includes a questionnaire with a series of easy-to-complete questions on the internal situation of the institution or cultural space and the measures and initiatives it develops in terms of equal opportunities for women and men. After filling it in, the ‘Culture x Equality’ Index is automatically obtained, with a range between 0 (great challenges pending) and 10 (very good health in terms of equality).
In addition, a self-diagnosis report is also generated with the strengths and weaknesses of the institution or cultural space in terms of gender equality. This report will not only help those responsible for cultural institutions to reflect on their situation but will also provide them with lines of future work in the field of gender equality. Strengths are the aspects that could significantly influence the progress of the cultural institution or space in terms of gender equality. Weaknesses point to areas of improvement or barriers that the institution or cultural space could address if progress in gender equality is desired.
The tool is free and very easy to use. In addition to obtaining a self-assessment report, it is possible to collaborate with the Gender Equality Observatory of the Ministry of Culture and Sport by sending a copy of the completed IAIG, which will allow an aggregate analysis of Equality in cultural institutions.