The President of the Government and the Minister of the Presidency, Public Function and Equality have visited the Son Bugadelles facilities.
The Government assumes an investment of 3.8 million euros per year to make this essential public service possible.
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The Govern de les Illes Balears has made effective from today the internalisation of the news services of the public broadcaster IB3 and its associated services, which involves the subrogation of the positions of 315 workers of the Ente, which would affect about 350 people.
In this way, the Government of the Balearic Islands, as well as the parties that have supported it on this issue, show their commitment to an independent, quality radio and television station with an essential public service function. The investment assumed by the Executive to make this possible is approximately 3.8 million euros per year.
This Wednesday, the President of the Government, Francina Armengol, visited the Son Bugadelles facilities in Calvià, and was able to talk to its professionals, accompanied by the Councillor of the Presidency, Public Function and Equality, Mercedes Garrido, the General Director of EPRTVIB, Andreu Manresa, as well as other managers and representatives of the committees of the different companies that are internalised.
The president stressed that “it was a commitment we had from the Government and the parties that support it, and we have kept our word, with an internalisation that is only fair for the workers of public television and radio”.
Armengol explained that internalising these 315 positions “means multiplying IB3’s staff by four, which means that we are making it stronger, more empowered and powerful at a time when society needs public media with a guarantee of plurality in information, truthfulness and objectivity because this is a right that citizens have”.
This process comes at a time when IB3 will be 18 years old on 1 March, and it does so “with more of its own staff, with a guarantee of more resources, with a projection for the future and with good audience figures that are the result of the work of the magnificent professionals that the company has”, the president remarked.
Specifically, it involves the integration of workers from five different contracts that have been extended until 31 January 2023: the technical support service of the public broadcaster (20 people); the technical operation service of the equipment and systems of IB3 Radio (15 people), the technical operation service of the equipment and systems of IB3 Television (31 people); the production service of audiovisual materials and multiplatform news content (202 people) and the operational service of IB3 Television studios and exteriors (47 people).
Once the subrogation has taken place, the next steps to be taken will be to call by-elections to constitute the new Works Committee; negotiation with the new Works Committee for the definitive integration of the staff and adaptation to public conditions; and, finally, the negotiation of a new collective bargaining agreement. The subrogation of the 315 jobs will be carried out under the same conditions as at present, although they will be considered as “laboral” staff, as they are staff of a public company.
The conditions for the internalisation have been worked out in a joint commission between the Govern, the management of the entity and the works council. To prepare for the process, the Consell de Govern on 14 November authorised expenditure of 645,919 euros for the purchase of cameras and accessories for the production of IB3’s news services. The internalisation process requires the purchase of equipment that until now was provided by the companies awarded the contract, in order to continue offering the news services under the same conditions that have been used until now.
In addition, also to move towards internalisation, an expenditure of 895,388 euros was authorised in favour of the public broadcaster for the contracting of 36 vehicles for four years, from 1 February 2023 to 1 February 2027, to ensure the necessary mobility of the radio and television news team.