During the event, experts and economic and political decision-makers will discuss alternatives for water saving and reuse.
The second forum on water and tourism, organized within the framework of the LIFE+WAT’SAVEREUSE project with the collaboration of the Hotel Federation of Mallorca, will be held on February 8 at the Auditorium of the Parc BIT in Palma and will focus on good practices for sustainable water management in tourist establishments in the Balearic Islands.
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Second forum on water and tourism
Thus, during the day, experts in water issues and several actors in the tourism sector will share experiences and common challenges when approaching the management measures of the water cycle.
The forum is structured in four blogs. In the first block, the general director of Water Resources, Joana Garau, will explain the regulatory and hydrological planning and tourism context in the archipelago. In the second, hotels and industries will present success stories in the application of technologies to save water in the tourism sector, such as the implementation of flow sensors or the reduction of the water footprint in industrial laundry.
The third block will focus on water reuse in the sector, where experiences in this field will be presented both in hotels and in the maintenance of tourist gardens. The day will end with the round table where the directors of Water Resources, Joana Garau, and Tourism, Isabel Vidal, will debate with the president of the Hotel Business Federation of Mallorca, Maria Frontera, and the researcher of the research group Glowater, Cels Garcia, will discuss solutions to support transformative investments in relation to water resources.
The LIFE+ Watsavereuse project aims to help alleviate the environmental problem of water scarcity and drought by carrying out awareness campaigns to reduce the overall water consumption of tourists during their stay in hotels by at least 10%, promote and raise awareness among stakeholders in the tourism industry to save and reuse water, encourage the tourism industry to implement at least 5 water reuse solutions, strengthen collaboration between public administrations and operators in the value chain and reduce overall freshwater consumption by 30%.
This is a project financed by the LIFE program that was created under the coordination of the Pyrenees-Mediterranean Euroregion and that counts the participation of nine participants from Catalonia, Occitania and the Balearic Islands. The Balearic Islands are represented by the Balearic Water Agency, the Balearic Islands Tourism Strategy Agency (AETIB) and the Chemical Cluster of the Balearic Islands (CliqIB).
To attend the forum, it is necessary to reserve a place at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/entradas-ii-forum-aigua-i-turisme-519098205707