The schools of Bendinat, Santa Ponça and Es Molinet de Galatzó have been recognized today by UNICEF.
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The president of the UNICEF Committee in the Balearic Islands, Mercedes del Pozo, has delivered today the diplomas that accredit three schools in Calvià as centres of reference in education in children’s rights, in a ceremony in which the mayor of Calvià, Alfonso Rodríguez Badal, has congratulated all the teams of the three schools that have received the accreditation: the Escoleta de Bendinat, the Escoleta de Santa Ponça and the Escoleta Es Molinet de Galatzó. The event was also attended by the director general of Early Childhood, Innovation and Educational Community, Amanda Fernández.
During the school year, the schools of Bendinat, Santa Ponça and Es Molinet de Galatzó have developed several projects such as environmental education, children’s rights and emotional education.
UNICEF awards these accreditations to schools that promote and defend children’s rights and that have made the Convention on the Rights of the Child the basis of their educational project, involving the entire educational community. The Balearic Islands has 6 centres of reference, 4 of them in Mallorca, 3 of which are three schools in Calvià.