The analysis of all the applications shows that in the majority of categories (38) and vacancies offered (2,035) there are sufficient applications where the candidates have the required knowledge of Catalan, thus guaranteeing the rights of citizens to a well-equipped public health service and to be attended to in their own language.
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248 of the 2,283 medical and nursing posts advertised
Having analysed all the applications submitted in the job stabilisation process, Health has concluded that of the 49 categories of the medicine and nursing groups that have been offered in the job stabilisation process announced in December 2022, there are 11 that are deficient in terms of the ratio between applications submitted by professionals who claim to have the Catalan language skills required by Law 4/2016, of 6 April, on language training measures for the recovery of the use of Catalan in the civil service, and the number of vacancies announced.
These 11 categories represent a total of 248 vacancies. They are in short supply as there are not enough applications from candidates with the Catalan language requirement, despite the fact that many of them do have it. Of the 452 applications received for these 11 categories, 45.6% (206) were from candidates claiming to have the required level of Catalan.
These excepted categories are mental health nursing, pathological anatomy, anaesthesia and resuscitation, general surgery and digestive system, immunology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, preventive medicine and public health, nephrology, radiodiagnosis, traumatology and orthopaedic surgery, as well as paediatrics and childcare in primary care.
Overall, 9,494 applications were submitted for a total of 2,283 medical and nursing vacancies. Thus, the shortfall, and therefore the exception, will apply to 10.86 % (248 places) of the places advertised.
Candidates will not have to present the Catalan language qualification required by the aforementioned law in order to apply for these posts, although it may be required for other issues related to their careers and working conditions, such as mobility between care centres. They will also receive linguistic support from the Health Service, which organises Catalan language training courses. In 2022, nearly a thousand professionals took a Catalan language training course organised by the Health Service and the Institute of Balearic Studies.
The rest of the categories offered in the job stabilisation process (38), with their associated posts (2,035), will be subject to the requirement to present the Catalan qualification required by law and the obligation to demonstrate the level of Catalan within a maximum of two years, as established in Decree Law 6/2022, of 13 June, on new urgent measures to reduce the temporary nature of public employment in the Balearic Islands.
The call for the stabilisation process will be resolved before 31 December 2024. The Government reiterates its gratitude to all parties involved in a reality: the public health system of the islands is making progress in the standardisation of Catalan, thus guaranteeing the quality of the service and the rights of users to be attended to in their own language.