There were 78 fatal traffic accidents in which 87 people died, in a context in which mobility has increased by 1.2% compared to June last year.
Side and frontal collisions increased, with 20 fatalities recorded, and head-on collisions decreased.
Traffic accidents
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12 of those killed were not using any safety device at the time of the accident.
In the first half of the year, 500 people died in traffic accidents, 6% less than in the same period in 2022.
During the month of June, 78 fatal accidents were recorded on the roads in which 87 people died, 9 fewer than in the same month in 2022, in a context in which mobility increased by 1.2% compared to June of the previous year, recording 37.8 million long-distance movements.
Fatalities on motorways and dual carriageways fell more than on conventional roads
Run-offs continue to be the type of accident with the highest number of fatalities. Specifically, 33 people died in June in a type of accident in which only the vehicle involved in the accident was involved.
Side and frontal collisions increased, with 20 fatalities, compared to 8 fatalities in June 2022. On the other hand, there was a decrease in head-on and rear-end collisions, with 15 and 10 fatalities respectively, compared to 23 and 11 fatalities in June 2022.
If the means of travel is taken into account, the number of vulnerable fatalities is the same as in June last year: 30.
With regard to the use of safety systems, 12 of those killed were not using the corresponding safety system at the time of the accident: 9 car drivers, 1 van driver and 1 lorry driver over 3,500 kg were not wearing their seat belts. Likewise, 1 motorbike rider was not wearing a helmet.
By autonomous region, Madrid was the region with the highest increase in the accident rate, with 5 more fatalities than in June 2022 (4 of them died in the accident that took place in Moralzarzal on 11 June). Andalusia and Catalonia were the regions with the greatest reductions in accident rates in June, with 6 fewer fatalities.
The day with the highest number of fatalities was Sunday 11 June with 10 deaths. On the other hand, there was only 1 day with 0 fatalities: Monday 5 June.
Therefore, in the first half of the year, 500 people died in traffic accidents, 31 people less than in the same period of 2022 (-6%).
During the first summer exit operation, which began at 15:00 on Friday 30 June and ended at midnight on Sunday 2 July, there were 11 fatal accidents on the roads in which 11 people were killed.
Four of the fatalities involved vulnerable road users (three motorcyclists and one cyclist).
Nine of the accidents occurred on conventional roads and the remaining two on motorways or dual carriageways.
In addition, 7 of the accidents were run-off-the-road accidents and 4 were collisions.
The number of long-distance journeys recorded during this first operation of the summer was 4.6 million, which is 5.8% more than the actual number of journeys recorded during the first operation of the summer last year.
All data included in this press release are provisional at 24 hours and are compared with those of 2022.