We know Francisco Javier Hidalgo Reolid as manager of Hidalgo Driving School. We can find him in the street Guillem Martí, 16D, in Binissalem.
The contact telephone number is 604 44 83 23.
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Francisco Javier Hidalgo Reolid, manager of Hidalgo Driving School
How long have you been dedicated to the world of teaching at Hidalgo Driving School?
I have been dedicated to teaching since 2005 and at Hidalgo Driving School in Binissalem since 2009.
We will emphasize the joy, illusion and personality of the neighbours of Binissalem and the region that come to Hidalgo Driving School to make their desires in the automotive world come true.
What is the function of Hidalgo Driving School?
Our main function is centred in that someone who has the desire to drive, obtains the license.
We prepare the license for cars, mopeds and motorcycles. Soon, we will have the novelty of the CAP, dangerous goods and recovery of points.
The people who come with the illusion and the desire to get their driving license are contagious.
What would you highlight of the neighbours of Binissalem and the region who come to Hidalgo Driving School?
They have passed through our driving school and countless students. All of them have been an example of tenacity and know-how. We are very proud of all of them and of having contributed our grain of sand.
It is a very active, cheerful and dynamic town.
What is the average age of the students at your driving school?
The average age of the residents who come to the driving school is between 15 and 25 years old.
There are people of a certain age who, for example, were afraid to get their driving license when they were young.
We can also find people who come from other countries and have not been able to adapt their license to that of our country.
The age range starts at 15 years old because they get the moped license.
Then comes the 125, in this license, the theory is already useful for the driving license. They can get it when they are 16 years old.
How does Autoescuela Hidalgo participate in the Commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco?
The Association of Cultural Exchange of Majorca, Unesco Center, the Town Hall of Binissalem and different stores of Binissalem and collaborators organize this II Edition that commemorates the World Day of Photography.
Professional and amateur authors will join hands in this exhibition along with local, national and international photographers.
Professional and amateur authors from Spain, Brazil, Cuba, Argentina and the USA will join hands in these exhibitions, along with local photographers, in a party in which photography is greatly honoured.