We have known Victoria since 2017, the year she started her journey in Estética Bella Dona. We can find them at Carrer Sa Coma without a number in Binissalem on the phone number.
673 779 101
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Victori Crespí Reynés manager of Estética Bella Dona
What can we find in Estética Bella Dona?
We can find an integral aesthetic centre with exclusive @eberlin_biocosmetics products.
Our body aesthetic treatments, facials, manicures, and pedicures are in great demand.
Wood therapy treatments are one of the treatments in which we are experts.
Special days can have that touch that pleases us so much and gives us a special and personalized touch. Thus, we reflect it in our make-up for parties, weddings, celebrations, etc…
Are the services of Bella Dona Esthetics demanded more by men or women?
Men have experienced a growing curiosity and interest in our services. More and more men are turning to Bella Dona Esthetics. They take care of themselves more and more and the services we offer are very varied and adapted to their demands and needs.
It is wedding season, what services do you usually offer to the bride, groom and guests?
The services are intended to look wonderful on this special day. Although we always recommend constant care and monitoring of our appearance.
For these most special days, we are providing care before and after these outstanding events. In the same way, our make-up, facial aesthetic treatments, manicures, pedicures, and body treatments are in high demand.
Victori Crespí Reynés manager of Estética Bella Dona
How does Estética Bella Dona participate in the commemoration of the World Day of Photography by Unesco?
The Association of Cultural Exchange of Mallorca, Unesco Center, the City Council of Binissalem and different stores of Binissalem and collaborators organize this II Edition that commemorates the World Day of Photography.
Thus, on August 19, a representation of different stores in Binissalem will have a permanent exhibition of photographs taken by amateur and beginner photographers. The exhibition will run from August 19 until the end of September.
The motto is “Meeting Point” between culture, tradition and modernity, being the theme of free choice.
The idea is to bring art closer to everyone. Thus, within its decoration, the creations of different authors will be fused. They will have snapshots that reflect different cultures and traditions.
Professional and amateur authors will join hands in this exhibition along with local, national and international photographers.
Professional and amateur authors from Spain, Brazil, Cuba, Argentina and the U.S. will join hands in these exhibitions, along with local photographers, in a party in which photography is greatly honoured.
The participation of the members of “Lente Artístico, Havana, Cuba” will be outstanding. At the regional level, we highlight the participation of David Gonzálvez who from Binissalem was awarded the prize for “Best Wedding Photographer in Spain”.