The IEB modifies its statutes and assumes language policy competencies

Sep 2, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ In the same session, the attendees were informed of the appointment of Llorenç Perelló Rosselló as director of the Institute.

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The Consell de Govern has approved the modification of Decree 48/2018, of December 21, approving the Statutes of the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics (IEB) in order to attach it to the Conselleria de Turismo, Cultura i Esports. This modification has become necessary as a result of the new organizational structure of the Administration of the Autonomous Community, which is attributed to the General Directorate of Culture competencies in linguistic matters.

The aim of these new statutes is to achieve a more efficient, practical and agile entity. The main innovation refers to the functions of the deputy director, who will direct the economic and administrative management of the entity, in addition to the substitution and support to the director of the Institute, already foreseen previously.

At the same meeting, the attendees were informed of the appointment of Llorenç Perelló Rosselló as director of the Institute on August 4, 2023.

The purpose of the IEB is to foster the teaching and linguistic normalization of the Catalan language, the promotion of the culture of the Islands and its projection abroad, respecting the competencies of the island councils.

Boosting the Consell Social de la Llengua and the Comisión de Toponimia (Toponymy Commission)
In the same vein, the composition of the Consell Social de la Llengua Catalana, a consultation, planning and advisory body that integrates all social sectors of the Balearic Islands with the aim of achieving the linguistic planning objectives promoted by the Government, has also been modified.

The new composition goes from seven to five vice-presidents, who are the competent minister in matters of culture, the autonomous secretary of Culture and Sports, the general director of Culture, the director of the IEB, the rector of the University of the Balearic Islands and the president of the Obra Cultural Balear.

Likewise, the Commission of Toponymy of the Balearic Islands is reinforced, with the appointment of the general director of Culture as president and the incorporation of a new vice-president, in this case, the director of the IEB. The purpose of this commission is to propose the official fixation of the toponyms of the Balearic Islands and their integration into the official cartography of the Balearic Islands.