Flu vaccine supply contracts for 2023/2024 flu vaccine approved

Sep 3, 2023 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

\ The Consell de Govern also approves the supply of the vaccine against herpes zoster

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Flu vaccine supply contracts

\ The vaccination against the flu has as a priority objective to reduce the incidence and the complications of the disease

Vaccination against influenza is a Public Health activity whose priority objective is to reduce the incidence and complications of the disease and, consequently, the mortality associated with the annual influenza epidemic among people at high risk of suffering serious cases.

One of the main characteristics of influenza is the annual form of presentation, with abrupt onset, rapid rise and short duration, with the presentation of a large number of cases in a few weeks, and this fact conditions some key aspects of the vaccination campaign, such as the logistical aspect – distributing and administering numerous doses of vaccine in a short time – and the measures to protect professionals working in essential services.

Another characteristic is the mutability of the viruses that cause it and the scarce cross-immunity. Each year there are numerous variations that cause the immunity acquired by the disease or vaccination not to protect against new strains.

The Consell de Govern has approved the prior authorization to the Regional Minister of Health so that she can authorize and dispose of the expenditure of the extension files to purchase vaccines against influenza.

These are inactivated vaccines produced from viruses cultivated in embryonated eggs, fractionated viruses or surface antigens (H and N), or analogues, of 15 micrograms of hemoagglutinin of each strain (lot 1).

The expenditure item is 914,160 euros for the year 2023.

The authorization of the expenditure to purchase another lot for influenza vaccination (lot 3) has also been approved with two items (for 2023 and 2024) of 1,892,000 euros each.

Childhood vaccination

The Public Health Commission approved the inclusion in the schedule of influenza vaccination for all children aged 6 to 59 months. The guideline is a single dose, except for children with certain risk conditions, who will receive two doses.

Today the Consell de Govern has also approved the authorization of expenditure of vaccines for the child population for the years 2023 and 2024, with two items of 423,737, 60 euros each.


The Public Health Commission approved on March 25, 2021, that the subunit vaccine against shingles becomes part of the official vaccination schedule at 65 years of age, with the recapture of an older population. The vaccination of persons from 18 years of age with certain high-risk conditions was also approved.

The Consell de Govern has approved the authorization to the Minister of Health to purchase the vaccine against shingles for 2023 and 2024, distributed in three items totalling 11,364,809 euros.