The aim of the agreement is to improve the living conditions of people who are at risk, of poverty or social exclusion
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Reissue the Pact for Inclusion with EAPN Illes Balears
The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, accompanied by the councillor of Social Welfare and president of the Institut Mallorquí d’Afers Socials (IMAS), Guillermo Sánchez, has received today’s audience the president of EAPN-Illes Balears. Xarxa per la Inclusió Social, Xavier Torrens, the secretary of the organization, Antoni Parets, and its technical director, Andreu Grimalt.
During the meeting, the representatives of the insular institution have committed to reissuing the Pact for Inclusion signed last term by EAPN-Illes Balears and all political formations with a presence in the Consell de Mallorca and that aim to improve the living conditions and opportunities for people who are at risk, poverty or social exclusion, and facilitate and consolidate the work done from social organizations.
“Many of the people in vulnerable situations are affected by problems of unemployment, job insecurity, difficulties of access to housing, lack of opportunities and inequality. To curb this situation, it is necessary for the administrations to coordinate with those who know these situations best in order to establish an effective work plan that offers real opportunities to this highly vulnerable sector of the population”, emphasized President Galmés during the meeting.
In total, there are about twenty entities of the third social sector that are part of EAPN Illes Balears with which IMAS has agreed different services, resources and programs for children and families, people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion. This non-profit organization, which is part of EAPN Spain and works closely with EAPN Europe, was created in 2005 with the aim of combating poverty and social exclusion in our community, and articulating in a unitary way the dialogue with public administrations to defend in a coordinated manner the general interests of the groups they represent and facilitate the actions of the entities that are part.
Now it remains to determine which will be the lines of action that will contemplate this Pact, which will be the third signed with the Consell de Mallorca and which foresees the creation of a commission to follow up the correct fulfillment of the lines of action contemplated within the agreement.