The document details the main areas of investment and gives an account of the progress in executing these investments.
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Ecological Transition in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan published
On the occasion of the approval of the Addendum to the Recovery Plan, which provides Spain with an additional 93.5 billion euros, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) launches the first report to analyze how PRTR funds contribute to ecological transition in three main areas: biodiversity and ecosystems; climate change mitigation and energy; and the fight against pollution and better management of resources.
This analysis, which is transversal to the entire PRTR and to all the components managed by the different ministries, details the main areas of investment, as well as the progress made in the execution of these investments.
The volume of funds programmed in the PRTR is unprecedented: 163 billion, of which around 80 billion are in transfers and the rest in loans. The loans (83 billion) and 10 billion of the transfers were agreed on October 17, 2023, as an Addendum to the PRTR. At least half of these funds have a positive climate and environmental impact.
This represents a unique opportunity to advance the green transformation agenda, already programmed earlier in key strategies such as the PNIEC, PNACC or national water planning.
The volume of funds earmarked for energy efficiency (more than 25,000 million available in aid and loans to companies); sustainable mobility (almost 15,000 million); renewable energy generation (aid of more than 9,500 million); green research, including green hydrogen (more than 9,000 million); water management (more than 9,000 million), and almost 5,000 million in waste management.
The Addendum to the PRTR only reinforces the main investments, PERTEs with a very positive environmental impact, such as the PERTE ERHA, the PERTE for the Digitalization of the Water Cycle, the PERTE for the Circular Economy or the PERTE for Decarbonization, while making more than 30,000 million in loans available to the Autonomous Regions and SMEs for investments with a positive climate impact, through the Autonomous Region Resilience Fund and the ICO-Green Line.
The investments launched since February 2020 are progressing at a good pace with remarkable lines such as the MOVES II and III programs, aimed at the purchase of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, which have already called more than 1,000 million in aid, the more than 500 million that are already being executed in irrigation modernization works to promote water and energy savings, the more than 120 million in subsidies for the restoration of ecosystems and green infrastructure or the more than 1,200 million in aid for self-consumption already called.
The report also highlights the importance of the PRTR to transversal axes that facilitate the ecological transition and make it more durable over time, such as investment in green jobs, research and sustainable production systems.