Industry opens today the window to apply for aid from line 1 of the PERTE for industrial decarbonization

Jan 29, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The first call of line 1 of this PERTE is endowed with 500 million euros in loans and another 500 million in grants.

The Ministry of Industry and Tourism has opened today the window for the submission of applications for European funds for decarbonization projects under the first line of action of the PERTE aimed at the green transition of industry.

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Aid from line 1 of the PERTE for industrial decarbonization

The PERTE Industrial Decarbonization is a key initiative in the drive towards a more sustainable economy, focusing on reducing carbon emissions in the industrial sector through the use of innovative technologies and eco-efficient practices.

For Minister Jordi Hereu, “collaboration between the public and private sectors will be essential to the success of PERTE, promoting investment in sustainable infrastructure and the adoption of environmentally friendly practices. This program reflects the Government’s significant commitment to a greener and more resilient industrial future, highlighting the importance of decarbonization as a central element in Spain’s economic and environmental agenda.”

Line 1 of aid for integral action for decarbonization, which is the one that opens today, supports actions carried out by national industries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including the decarbonization of energy sources with the electrification of processes and the incorporation of hydrogen; integral energy management of industrial processes; reduction in the use of natural resources or carbon capture, among other lines of action. It is endowed with 1,000 million euros, 500 million in subsidies and another 500 million in loans.

This line is aimed at public and private trading companies that carry out industrial activities, as well as groupings formed with other companies that contribute to the decarbonization of a single main facility.

The requirements for accessing this line of aid are to reduce at least 3,000 tons of CO2 equivalent per year, or at least 30% of their emissions, for tractor projects with a minimum financeable budget of 1 million euros with a completion date before March 31, 2026.

A second call for line 1 is foreseen during the second half of 2024, for projects whose completion may go beyond 2026.

The PERTE for Industrial Decarbonization, with a public investment of 3.17 billion euros, will mobilize up to 11.8 billion euros of total investment. The investments in decarbonization and modernization of the manufacturing industry promoted through this PERTE will increase the competitiveness of the sector by around 10% and will lead to the creation of around 8,000 jobs.

Furthermore, according to estimates by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, a reduction in emissions of up to 13 million tons of CO2 per year is expected.