More than 11.000 elderly people do sport with the Consell de Mallorca

Jan 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The investment in the programmes of active ageing is 473.000 Euros

The Consell de Mallorca will reach more than 11,000 elderly people in 2024 with its sports activities for the elderly, which aim to promote healthy ageing and enhance sociability in the villages. The “Esport per adults” programme promotes sport among second and third-age groups, with 473,000 euros invested by the government institution.

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More than 11.000 elderly people do sport

Among these, 1,371 people currently participate in the “Mou-te amb salut!” programme, two weekly exercise sessions that are carried out through the town councils and the island’s “llars d’ancians”. This programme is complemented by the “Active outings” and “Inter Mou-te” activities, group activity packages, where sport and nature go hand in hand, encouraging exercise through hiking, Nordic walking and water sports. A total of 9,794 people will participate in the 2024 season.

This is a series of activities available to town councils, senior citizens’ associations and other organisations, open to the general public. The groups are divided into two main groups: one for 40 to 60-year-olds and the other for participants over 60 years of age. As the second vice-president and councillor for the Environment, Rural Environment and Sports, Pedro Bestard, states, “The Consell is firmly committed to promoting health and an active lifestyle, leading a project that encompasses a series of programmes aimed at encouraging the transition of the Mallorcan population towards this stage of maturity, which avoids a sedentary lifestyle”.

This programme has made it possible to broaden the scope of family sports, as well as opening up a range of activities hitherto non-existent in the municipalities, which promotes healthy living and sociability. A path that the Consell de Mallorca began with sports activities at school age, passing through federated sport, family exercise, and now extends to the elderly. “We close the generational line, giving importance to the elderly in the circuit,” said Bestard.