The Conselleria de Educació i Universitats requests that the Mestre marger qualification be included in the national VET catalogue

Jan 30, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The director general of Vocational Training and Educational Organisation, Maria Isabel Salas, has today requested the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports that the national catalogue of the Vocational Training offer includes the Mestre marger qualification.

Requests that the Mestre marger qualification be included in the national VET catalogue

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Currently, the Guild of margers has a professional qualification, but with this request, the aim is to obtain a grade C in order to be able to obtain the professional certificate as well. This is a claim that the same guild made to the director general of Vocational Training and Educational Organisation after meeting last Thursday.

The request was accompanied by a letter signed by the conseller de Educació i Universitats, Antoni Vera, in which he emphasises the importance of implementing the new Mestre marger qualification to ensure that this trade is not lost and also to encourage generational transfer.

The director general of Vocational Training and Educational Planning, Maria Isabel Salas, has positively assessed the meeting held today with representatives of the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports and has stated that they will not stop claiming the implementation of the Mestre marger studies in the national catalogue of FP, a claim made by the guild itself since 2017.