5 February is the deadline for registering for the free exams to obtain the ESO diploma

Jan 31, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

Enrolment must be formalised between 5 February and 5 March 2024, both inclusive.

Those who are at least 18 years old, who will be 18 in 2024, and who are not enrolled in any course of study leading to the ESO diploma, may register.

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5 February is the deadline for registering for the free exams

The Regional Ministry of Education and Universities, through the Directorate General for Vocational Training and Educational Organisation, has announced the free examinations for the year 2024 so that people over the age of eighteen can directly obtain the diploma of Graduate in Compulsory Secondary Education in the Balearic Islands.

Those who are at least eighteen years old, who will be eighteen during the year 2024, and who are not enrolled in any course of study leading to the compulsory secondary education diploma, may register for the exams. In this sense, both included, registration for the free examinations of the ordinary call must be formalised between 5 February and 5 March 2024.

Date of the tests and structure

The written tests will be held on 17 April 2024 in morning and afternoon sessions at the following adult education centres (CEPA): CEPA La Balanguera (Palma), CEPA Ciutadella (Menorca) and CEPA Pitiüses (Ibiza). As for the oral tests in Spanish, Catalan and English, they will take place in Mallorca on 24 April 2024 and in Ibiza and Menorca on 25 April 2024.

The test is organised around the following three areas of knowledge:

  • Communication area: its curricular reference point is the basic aspects of the curriculum corresponding to the subjects of Catalan Language and Literature, Spanish Language and Literature and Foreign Language (English).
  • Social domain: has as its curricular reference the basic aspects of the curriculum corresponding to the subjects of Geography and History and Education in Civic and Ethical Values.
  • Scientific and technological area: its curricular reference is the basic aspects of the curriculum corresponding to the subjects Physics and Chemistry, Biology and Geology, Mathematics and Technology.

All the information on these tests can be consulted on the website of the Servei d’Ordenació Educativa.