President Galmés receives the Consul General of Ukraine to convey the support and collaboration of the Consell de Mallorca to the Ukrainian people

Jan 31, 2024 | Current affairs, Featured, Revista Lloseta, Thursday Daily Bulletin, Tradition

The island institution will continue, through the Mallorcan Solidarity and Cooperation Fund, to support the population and its local administrations in the humanitarian management of the conflict.

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President Galmés receives the Consul General of Ukraine

The president of the Consell de Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés, has received in the audience the Consul General of Ukraine in Barcelona, Artem Vorobyov, to convey the support and collaboration of the island institution to the Ukrainian people. The Consell de Mallorca, through the Mallorcan Solidarity and Cooperation Fund, will continue this year to provide institutional and humanitarian support to the Ukrainian people. During 2023, with the contribution of 100,000 euros by the island’s institutions, the Mallorcan Solidarity Fund has developed three humanitarian aid projects, supporting the Ukrainian municipalities of Odessa and Dnipro in the reception and integration of displaced persons and with emergency aid, basic services and supporting the municipalities in the comprehensive care of internally displaced persons and the resident population affected by the war.

At the meeting, which was also attended by the president of the Mallorcan Association of Aid to Refugees from Ukraine (AMAR Ukraine), Anastasia Kvach, and the president of the Ukrainian Family Association, Yuriy Zubko, the president of the Consell de Mallorca assured that “we are not forgetting the critical situation that the people of Ukraine continue to experience. We are committed to mobilising all possible resources to help the Ukrainian people through the cooperation actions coordinated by the Mallorcan Solidarity Fund to ensure that the aid is as effective as possible and to guarantee that the projects financed respond to the country’s real needs”.

On the other hand, the Consell de Mallorca’s network of libraries will have a collection of books in Ukrainian, intended for loan to the Ukrainian community living in Mallorca. An initiative at the request of the AMAR Ukraine Association and the Consulate General of Ukraine in Barcelona, which is already present in 45 countries around the world and has the support of the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska.